
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Can we go back to Kauai?

Even though it was almost a month ago here are a couple pics from our AMAZING honeymoon in Hawaii. We stayed there for a whole week in Kauai and loved every minute of it! We still want to go back every day and can't wait to go back - hopefully in a few years!

On our second day on the island we went tubing in the canals of the old sugar plantation. The water was "crisp" and "refreshing" but it was so much fun! 

We went kayaking to a little waterfall in the forest. It was my first time kayaking so JP had to teach me how and I think I did pretty good!  Its definitely not as easy as it looks, especially when we're going towards the wind, but it was so worth it!

We went to a lot of beaches during our week stay and tried to get at least a little sun where JP liked to set up our towels all cute and fancy. Then at one of the beaches we saw a couple seals - they were roped off, but by the time we left the beach they already swam off. At the same beach we saw a sea turtle near the shore and JP actually got a video of it with his gopro - it was huge!!

On our way to north shore we stopped by Rene's coconut hut and had ourselves some fresh coconut water. We weren't sure how it would taste at first, but it actually turned out pretty good!

At my first luau! Such good food and an amazing program!

On our last day we drove up to Waimea canyon and it was breathtaking! Here we are about as high as the clouds and you can't see a horizon line where the ocean stops. By far one of the most beautiful place in Kauai! It was a great way to end our honeymoon!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are soo cute! and it looks like your honeymoon was a blast! Isn't Hawaii so gorgeous?
